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About Megabattie

I'm a wildlife carer in Sydney.  Somehow I ended up doing flying-foxes pretty much exclusively.

I started out making possum pouches for our branch,

then added latex teats and dummies to my repertoire.

When I began caring for flying-fox pups there was nothing cute to "dress" them in, so I made some flannelette wraps.  Other carers liked my wraps and ordered.  I began to find bat fabrics in various places, so I expanded my range.  

I developed the Burritowrap, CuddleBatz™, DumBatz™, HoodieBatz™, SlipperBatz™ and the Sookie™.

I started to commission bat fabrics from sympathetic artists who uploaded to the print-on-demand fabric sites.


I like quirky - so I will be adding new items to my repertoire as I think of them.  


I try to provide these products at a very reasonable price.  Any small profits get ploughed back into wildlife care.  If you do a huge amount of wildlife care and need bulk products, please email me so we can work out a way to supply what you need at a price you can afford.
Or visit BatSew FB page, which is to get members of public involved to make and donate stuff to wildlife carers.


I have 2 cockatiels who "help" me with manufacture. Babylon, the boy, is my office manager.  He can be less than helpful.  He chews a lot of things and likes to remove the sewing pins before I've sewn things.

 2013 Megabattie Design.

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